Photo of the Day

National Geographic publishes a series called Photo of the Day, here is a little about it…

“Each Photo of the Day we publish is meant to inspire wonder and curiosity, to bring a unique corner of the world into focus, present a new take on the familiar, or celebrate simple beauty. And in addition to telling a visual story, we often introduce the photographer who captured the stunning shot—and reveal the effort behind it.

The best photos from this year are saturated with an intent and gravity that stay with you. The outstretched hands of a brickyard worker, the regal pose of an African lion—these are images that linger in the memory long beyond their daily moment.

Since this past October, Photo of the Day has been completely powered byYour Shot, National Geographic’s photo community. To celebrate, Your Shot launched an assignment that asked photographers for their best photos and the stories behind them, and some of these will become future Photos of the Day.

So enjoy these highlights from the past year, and check back daily to see inspiring new shots—one of them could be your own!”

Best of…

Follow the link above, choose one photo and write a 5 sentence paragraph on your blog about why the photo is the best of the best.  Be sure to reference composition and/or the elements and principles of art.  Also be sure to post the photo with your writing.

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